Re: (idm) thanks so f**king much!

From s.f.w.d.
Sent Mon, Jan 12th 1998, 01:54

> we got parrapa (sp?) on your recommendation....

oops... that wasn't supposed to go to the list!


just gave the suction 002 a quick listen (at least the 1st side)
the dave k. stuff is very different than anything else (know this is 
what was to be expected) definately worth checking out...

the qbert/atrak just rocks =) much more enjoyable than the shadow 
'megamix', which i liked quite a bit (believe the us release of the 
shadow is in a couple days, which has the qbert mix on there)


blackdog, vvm, whitezone-l, slipdisc
C.Gosselin, PO Box 8264, Santa Rosa, CA 95407