Re: (idm) Coldcut JDJ(Gemm mix)

From Simon Paul
Sent Thu, May 7th 1998, 18:49

Actually i get a lot of out of print stuff through GEMM..sure they don't
update that regularily but that's usually because the stores they list don't
update's completely possible to get rare stuff, I have, but they're
usually used(in great condition though). I'll usually follow the link to the
actual store that is selling the item though to double check if it's actually
in stock.


laerm wrote:

> On Thu, 7 May 1998,           Z           wrote:
> > Try
> >
> >
> >
> > and type in Coldcut!
> a note about gemm: they've got everything listed, and at seemingly
> impossibly cheap prices, but that's cuz if you know it's out of print,
> odds are you won't be able to get it cuz they can't and just haven't
> updated their database yet. go ahead--try caustic window. you'll see
> joyrex j9ii for, like, $10. you'll shit yourself and then you'll order it
> and find out they can't get it. sorry...
>    *
>                                                                       ####
> a disturbance in a system.                                            ####
> laerm.                                                  ####
>     one time and you're a philosopher; two times and you're a pervert.