Re: (idm) Fed up with IDM!

From s.f.w.d.
Sent Tue, Sep 15th 1998, 02:24

> I've bought these titles and I have to let them go, they SUCK!IMHO.
> I just bought no more than one hour ago:
> CHART RUNNERS- V/vm (after 30seconds I pulled the needle off) SOMEONE 
> TAKE THIS off my hands I paid $15 for it!


I think the problem here is that you expect V/Vm to be IDM, 
but really, its just V/Vm... 

Expect the unexpected... some people like green eggs and ham...[icq: 12645306]    
sfwd prod | noisesoundnoise
chris g. 1547 boston court #7, santa rosa, ca 95405