(idm) re: seefeel

From David O
Sent Fri, Aug 13th 1999, 21:09

>Though I've known of him for years I've just in the past week realized he
>is one of the greatest artists out there (to me). He joins the select few
>of acts I completely go gaga for.. Seefeel, Oval. Which reminds me..
>latter-day Seefeel and earlier Oval are also very warm and dark in places,
>you might enjoy them also.

Hmmm.... I am intrigued by seefeel. I have one of their discs, "quique." I like
the textures, but the beats are a little too repetitive (i.e. static, no changes) for me. 
Plus the beat sounds are not well done... cheezy. But the melodies are nice... is their
later work good? Could you point me to a disc to get?
