Re: [AH] sh101 vs 01a comments

From Florian Anwander
Sent Sat, Mar 3rd 2018, 09:56

On 03.03.18 00:02 , henrique matias wrote:
> Again, being honest: Polyphonic 101 should be a crime, totally misses 
> the point which is to make a nasty monophonic sequence and squeeze the 
> hell out of it, the limitation is a feature, so deal with it if you 
> want the best sound.
The SH-101 is a crime against the piano, because the point of the piano 
is having no filter and only one wave form. And the piano is a crime 
against the voice, because the voice needs no keyboard. And the voice is 
a crime against silence.

Sorry, but your argument is the argument of old men.