(idm) muslimgauze

From Arthur B. Purvis
Sent Thu, Feb 12th 1998, 04:20

>that's a pretty sad viewpoint. you've got to realize that by buying
>people's music you're directly supporting them and any ideologies they
>posess. would you really want your money going to someone who supports
>the killing of Jews? would you buy a neo-Nazi techno compilation because
>it had _cool_ beats?

Well, I own NON CDs, so, well, yeah (ignoring for the moment whether the
white power church of satan thing is all a big joke Boyd's playing on
us).  I am supporting these people with about a buck; in return, I get
some excellent music.  True, I'm funding the bakesales of the Church of
Satan and the white power movement (maybe) with my buck, but frankly, it's
only a dollar (prolly less, given gear expenses etc), and I'm not bothered
by it in the  slightest, because what _I_ am really supporting is the

And wells, you'd like NON.  I'd recommend either the Boyd Rice/Frank
Tovey record "Easy Listening for the Hard of Hearing" (someone correct me
if that's wrong) - Tovey is definitely not a racist, at least.  That
record is more rhythmically noisy.  NON - Easy Listening for Iron Youth, a
kind of "best of" type deal, is great too, but more just plain noise.
It's about the bleakest thing you'll ever hear.  Pure nothingness.

the humble abbott arthur purvis set his hand hereto