Re: (idm) Speaking for yourself :P

From 0
Sent Mon, Jun 22nd 1998, 17:40

my wife is kewl with some IDM. APHEX is too crazy for her, but Solar 
Quest isn't. She likes Melodic shit, and totally dug the latest PLOD 
CD. SHE LOVES TORTOISE too (but we can debate all day long if they're 
IDM or not)

I know Brock Suter's g/f is totally into IDM. She even spins too, but 
she spins jungle. Then again, they hang with Nico all the time so of 
course she's into.

I don't think that statement about girls not being into IDM is valid. 
maybe there is just a larger male presences cuz we sit in front of our 
computers a lot more.....

> On Sat, 20 Jun 1998, GamePrg. wrote:
> > as for girlfriends, It's like totally futile to try and find a
> > girl who likes this kind of music

"Music is a world within itself
with a language we all understand
with an equal opportunity
For all to sing, dance, and clap their hands"
                                                                                                        - S. Wonder (Sir Duke)
"yesterday is the past.
tomorrow is the future.
Today, today is a gift,
that is why we call it THE PRESENT"
                                                                                                        -said slowly by my grandma
-atom heart website: