(idm) house

From Ben Coffer
Sent Fri, Feb 13th 1998, 20:12

In message <01bd3676$43c27460$xxxxxxxx@xxx-xxx-xxx>, siliconvortex
<xxxxxx@xxx-xxx-xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx> writes
>>IDM muso geeks don't like house music
>really? :-)  i happen to be quite enjoying a tape of 'these norwegians' 'dj
>disciple' and other unidentified dodgy house geezers as i type.  maybe i'll
>just have to slip on 'the house sound of chicago' for the 950th time and
>listen to some truly intelligent dance music before i go to bed

What I hate about house (well, the house sound of nowadays anyway) is
that it's so bloody predictable. Grrr.....you can predict when the beats
gonna stop...there's gonna be some people who want to raise their hands
in the air while some strings play, there's going to be a snarerush, the
beat is going to kick back in.....and this happens with almost every...
single....darn...tune. And people enjoy this?

Ben Coffer
Hybrid Productions