(idm) Music for Mindphones Reminder

From Jason Perez
Sent Tue, Mar 30th 1999, 07:36

Just a reminder!

Music for Mindphones
Tomorrow Morning :: 6-8am pacific/standard
It should be fun, lots of new music from Kranky, Simulacra, and Sonic
Wallpaper.. lots of fun 12inches i didn't get to play last week. So please
tune in.. i have finally gotten together the stuff to encode all episodes,
so very soon the webpage and archives will be complete!

go to http://kscr.usc.edu to tune in!

Music for Mindphones--)
Tune in Weekly, Tuesdays 6-8am Pacific<---
Savour the Flavour with DJ Desire[[]][
Hope to see you there>>
Visit http://kscr.usc.edu for more details..

Grooves:: abstract-abnormal electronics

imMerSe youR sOul in loVe.