(idm) nww... one more time...

From s.f.w.d.
Sent Wed, Jan 21st 1998, 04:11

for all those who posted about nww, over on the wsd-l there's a 
project underway (with WSD support) for the release of rarities 
compilations (one for nww, one for current93, one for dij, etc you 
get the idea) the track list is being compiled and voted on by the 
listmembers and then WSD I suppose will do what it can to release the 
tracks... thought it might be of interest (possible source of great 
excitement... is here... c93, , dij & nww are big in the household 
here... they'll be blood spilt over the releases when I move out =)

The tracks will be voted on very soon and the deadline to submit 
tracks to be voted on is tomorrow... 

xxxx@xxxxx.xxx /// looking for reason
blackdog, vvm, whitezone-l, slipdisc
C.Gosselin, PO Box 8264, Santa Rosa, CA 95407