Re: (idm) Add 1991 to 1992

From artist
Sent Fri, Jun 26th 1998, 17:37

On Fri, 26 Jun 1998 10:40:35 -0400, you wrote:

>    And by the way, I love the Add N to X album and I think the cover is
>dumb as shit and if it wasn't for the stupid ass cover I'd probably =
>to the record more often. Fortunately, I can flip the cd insert around =
>viola I'm looking at their three pretty faces instead of their cheap
>tired-looking misogynist theatrics (even if she was willing, it's still

maybe on their next album they should have a man giving birth to the
synth.  that would even things out a bit.

some people's brains work FAR too hard these days.


subconscious geography