Re: (idm) Sampling

From Zenon M. Feszczak
Sent Fri, Jul 10th 1998, 14:59

Andrew Cowper <>:

>Mother of God! What is this rubbish? When a musician is considering doing
>he needs to think carefully about only one question. "Does it sound good?"

With all due respect, beg to differ.
To varying degrees with different music styles and even from one musical
quantum to the next, the process of creation is part of the result.
Certainly this is true in live music, but even holds in many areas of
recorded music.
...and other arts for that matter.
Hence one values an original more than a reproduction or a forgery.

>No one needs a load of rules for correct/incorrect music creation. If we
>judge music
>not by how it sounds, but by how it was created - then we've lost the plot

Process is part of the plot.
In fact, this is hardly an archaism relegated to art rockers (and their
ancestral live musicians of the past several millenia).
Much modern experimental music is interesting exactly _because_ of the
process involved.
Sometimes, in fact, the process is the only interesting aspect, as some
might judge of serial composition.

(By the way, this is not an anti-sampling stand.
I wouldn't be on this list if I rejected sampling per se).
