Re: (idm) Conet: the numbers project??

From Hrvatski
Sent Tue, Jan 27th 1998, 03:04

>any thoughts on this one??

Yes, this was my number two release of '97.

>i know it sounds like a VERY cool concept... but it is still just a
>concept, so is it worth 60 bucks??

Yes. And then some.

>do all the 'songs' sound alike??

Mostly. A very squelchy female voice (presumably synthesized) announces
'one, peacock, zeit, zero, zero, absinthe, mahogany, thirty-four, october'
over a high-noise floor. Often interlaced with digital signals in the
audible range.

>would it fall into the same catagory as the Noto infinity release on

No, that was an installation commisioned by the Documenta X people for
Carsten. It involved more than sound. This is non-musical data presented as
music/perceived sound. I could wax endlessly about the origins of the
'transmissions' but I've got no more information than the booklet (rather
=46AT) and some heresy from articles, mostly wrong.

>i still can't decide if i wan't to shell out sixty smackers.. i mean
>that's 6 12"s.

If this decription paralells elective surgery in your enjoyment range...
Well don't get it. Otherwise...
Cheers- V=E5t.

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