(amb) Aphex Twin Discography R.7.

From Christopher Miller
Sent Mon, Jun 8th 1998, 06:20


     The latest revision of the Aphex Twin discography is just about
completed.  If you'd like a copy e-mailed to you, please let me know
(directly, and *not* to this list) and I'll add your address to my
mailing-list.  It'll most likely go out sometime within the next two
weeks... after the 20th I won't send it out again so you'll have to check
WarpNet and hope it's there.

     This version of the discography is an update to revision 6 (as of
February 1998), which never saw the light of day for some reason or
another.  Anyway, there's a lot of new entries so it should be very
informative.  ;)

                                                                      |   ;
christopher miller                                                    o o'
xxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx                                                       =