(idm) chicks and idm

From ninphil
Sent Tue, Jun 23rd 1998, 00:49

>> On Sat, 20 Jun 1998, GamePrg. wrote:
>> > as for girlfriends, It's like totally futile to try and find a
>> > girl who likes this kind of music

OK, I considered letting this thread go...figuring everyone elses 2cents 
would eventually make my point. But then it lead to a discussion in our 
office about men women, music and competition. I think there is a male 
misconception out there that if you don't ceaseslessly buy, collect, 
proove your knowlege that somehow you don't appreciate or truly 
understand music. I draw the parallel to sports stats. Guys love the 
stats, right? Whoever knows the stats win..well music geeks displace this 
stat collecting urge to their recordbuying/trainspotting habits. The "i 
just got the promo copy of a limited edition aphex twin 10' that was peed 
on by richard james himself..aren't i cool that i'm the only one that has 
this" attitude gets on my tits. Owning and enjoying are not synonymous 
boyz. Just cause lots chicks don't spend every last dime flipping through 
the bins and then get on their computers and spend 5 hrs chatting and 
emailing and proving their dick size cause of the obscure stuff they 
bought that day doesn't mean they dont "like" that kind of music.
Dont get me wrong peolple, my partner here at ninja is one of the biggest 
record buying geeks in the world, and without people like him we wouldn't 
exist as a label. I think men (and some chicks I know...cause NEVER NEVER 
generalize ) love this activity, should be encouraged to collect music 
rather than baseball cards and keep supportin the obscure shit. BUT it is 
the attitude that somehow women aren't aware, or dont appreciate the 
music because they dont necessarilly obsess about the act of collecting 
that botheres me. Personally I feel many women often prefer exposing 
themselves to music in more social, less, dare I use the word 
"competitive" environments. I get most of my exposure through going out 
to events, listening to the stuff thats brought home or into the 
office...and dont underestimate alternative and college radio. Hey brave 
new waves on CBC one of the longest running IDM shows is totally ruled by 
Anyhow, I could ramble all day...but I'd probably alienate all of our 
loyal fans ;) maybe I'll just add the disclaimer **THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED 
there was a bit of a discussion on this matter, and Jeff definately 
thinks that more men like IDM and this proven by the fact that they are 
the ones buying it. But like all mature beings, we agree to disagree and 
I take advantage of the fact that he spends all his cash on records and I 
get to sit back and enjoy them free o charge!
PS I am a Chick and I dig IDM. Please enter me in the contest as Ninja 
Mistress 'illipa . Wait till ya see the talent part of the show.

stealthy not wealthy