Re: (idm) Will "Mealtime" be released in the US?

From Martin
Sent Fri, Jan 9th 1998, 15:55

jjdavis @ (Jeff Davis <pHlow>) wrote:
On Wed, 7 Jan 1998 15:00:45 +0000 (), "Nate Harrison \[Toshok
Laboratories\]" <> said:
>I would wait anyway, it's not that great. It's alright, worth having I
>suppose, but not like "I need it right now" type of stuff. The tracks
>border on annoying drillnbass stuff, and the AFX is pretty weak, it
>doesn't sound anything like what he's been turning out lately, nor does it
>sound like older material.
i agree that there are a few tracks on this comp that make a good point
that drillnbass as a genre has pretty much run it's course, but there are
also a couple of pretty sweet tracks on here.

well considering steve kf mentioned the release was delayed 8 months, which
i guess would mean it could've come out in the uk around march, it probably
shows how rapidly drill'n'bass is evolving rather than the "run its course"
outlook. i could do w/out most of the "big name" tracks on this one
afx/plug/mikep, and overall i think "spunk jazz" was a much finer example
of a drill'n'bass comp. despite the doomy (not a plus point imho)
over-cary-grant-sampled atmosphere the ho(a)rse opera(tor) track on "spunk
jazz" had some wicked shredding drum programs and was much better produced
than the outing on "mealtime". ducking from (expected) flames i'd have to
say that my fave track at the moment is by the much maligned animals on
wheels, tho' its probably too sedate to be drill'n'bass - as is the afx
track, followed by mould which also stands out by virtue of melody. its a
pretty good comp, if you aren't looking at it as the ultimate state of the
art in drill'n'bass.
