(idm) Have you heard Moloko?

From Jonathan Tedds
Sent Thu, Jun 10th 1999, 12:49

Don't remember hearing this group mentioned on an idm list and no doubt
some will think it inappropriate but I think they deserve more exposure
since the music alone (let alone the quirky vocals of Roisin) is original 
and innovative. I love the music of Orbital and Autechre so I thought
some of you might well like the music of Moloko.

I am always on the look-out for new inspiration and last summer I went to
the Leeds V98 concert. There were one or two good bands (songs of St
Etienne, MC Buzz B of Lionrock and the Underworld visuals) in a sea of
unoriginal 'rock' bands and then one absolutely outstanding band that made
me sit up and think - I have to find out more about this group. That group
was Moloko in the dance tent!

Have since bought both Moloko albums and recommend them highly. I've
noticed that everyone else who hears them wants to get a copy after a
while too - could be a slow growing fanbase out there spreading by word of
mouth? I hope so - we need more originality in music and less formulaic
guitar bands with nothing new or moving to say. 

What else do I like about Moloko? Glamour, passion, hope. What a stage
presence Siobhan has - my girlfriend was brought up on Hollywood musicals
by her mum and really appreciated that. So, in a way, Moloko manage to
combine old fashioned show values (the different characters and voices in
different songs) with truly experimental music that doesn't disappear up
it's nether regions but manages to keep you grooving. Quite a combination.

I love them for trying and I think it works brilliantly.
