Re: (idm) BOC/Skam X-mas 45 in US?

From Franz Enmark
Sent Wed, Dec 10th 1997, 23:49

At 14:55 1997-12-10 +0000, smokes_gpcs wrote:
>Nothing worse than a me too, but I've yet to see mention of the Skam 
>BoC 7" via any mailorder in the US but *really* want to pick this up 
>badly... anyone know any mailorder source for it?

My sources claim that this isn't even out yet, that Andy on Skam have
problems with distributors. Reliable sources, but it might be wrong, I

>In regards to the vvm xmas 7" (with hellinterface aka BoC) it has 
>been listed in the modernmusic listings and is available via 
>piccadilly records... 

I dunno about you, but I have emailed Picadilly two times and have yet to
get a reply. 
What do they have in stock at which prices? Do they have any Skam stuff?

Curiously yours,


PS. Check my wants out and let me
know if you can help. Thanks.

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