making an IDM FAQ (was Re: (idm) vinyl)

From Brett McCormick
Sent Sat, Jun 20th 1998, 02:31

basically, I'd do it like this:

go through the entire IDM archive, and pull out the interested bits.
make the following sections in the faq:

1) The "I" in IDM
  would basically re-iterate the list welcome message.
2) history
  the history of IDM.  certainly not definitive by any means,
  but hopefully to become the best history of electronic music.
  newcomers to the list should know who kraftwerk is (I didn't),
  and other "important stuff" pertaining to our history.
3) recurring threads, religious wars, stuff NOT to post on
  vinyl vs. cd would go here
4) labels
  sections on warp, rephlex, skam, and other godly labels
  worthy of worship ;)
5) artists
  sections on ae (of course), black dog, atom heart, and other artists
  this would help on "is artist-a also artist-b?" and who is really behind
6) essentials
  all the top albums, artists and "songs that make you cry" lists
  would go here.  would include the official results of IDM polls as
  well as informal queries.
  this is last, because it should be read last.
7) other resources
  websites, zines, reviews, other mailing lists, etc

There would be no Aphex Twin in the artists section, as he has his own
faq, which would just be mentioned in place.

yes, it is a huge undertaking.
is it worth it?  probably.
I'm willing to help, as I wouldn't mind reading the archives

The only way to make the history part work is if we all team up.
Otherwise, it'll be His-Story :)
(I say "his" because of history.  its a pun.  I didn't make it up)


On Fri, 19 June 1998, at 20:57:18, GamePrg. wrote:

> I would be willing to do it..
> but I dunno where to start.. maybe everyone can send some suggestions of
> all the things that should be in the FAQ.