(idm) holosud!

From mltsnt
Sent Mon, Nov 23rd 1998, 20:53

can i be the first person on the list to say that the new holosud
(schlampietziger & fx randomiz) album 'finjnewas afpompen' on a-musik is
quite possibly the best idm(ish) record this year? better even than the
holosud 12" that preceeded it (which was my fav. a-musik release). really
absurd digi pop. a-musik=most underrated idm(ish) label around. buy on sight.
oh, and the new phthalocyanine 12" is also out on a-musik, but all the
tracks were also on the navy warships album on phthalo, so try and get that
first (which is also great, btw)

np: farmers manual, haswell, pita: live on 89.9 7/31/98 (thanks, danny!)

 Mlt {ostian.mele}
_MLt  // veerNALEs OSTI_ANmele