(idm) mmm

From Guy Elden
Sent Fri, Oct 9th 1998, 21:02

Another quickie recommendation. . .

Mixmaster Morris (aka, Irresistible Force) presents "It's Tomorrow Already".

. . .and already, I'm in sonic bliss heaven. Harkening back to the days of
Flying High, there are lots of soundbytes sprinkled throughout this wonderful
soundscape. Nepalese Bliss is currently my favorite track, mainly because I'm
always a sucker for deep, resonant, sweeping analogue washes. The one that
serves as the backbone for this track is very well textured. And the plentiful
samples hinting at types of drugs (I think?) give this track a nice humorous
touch to it as well. In fact, all of the tracks have a good feeling to them,
including one which even has Mr. Rodgers featured! Can you guess which one,
boys and girls?
