Aphex-influenced Airlines (was: Re: (idm) PSS2099 (forgot to add))

From Greg Earle
Sent Fri, Jan 2nd 1998, 23:59

Eric Hill wrote:
>> Aphex-influenced
> Can anyone out there explain what this term means?

Uh, it's music that sounds like the person making it has listened to Aphex a
lot, and quite possibly said music sounds somewhat vaguely similar to Aphex in
style or technique?

For example, I dunno if he's still lurking here or not, but I heard an Influx
(James Bernard) track on Isophlux that had me scratching my head for the first
10-20 seconds wondering which of the JoyRex's it must have been off of that
I don't have.  After about 30 seconds I could tell that it probably wasn't
RDJ by the other sounds that came into the mix, but boy he sure had me fooled.
(Great track btw, James, if you're out there - it's untitled on the tape tho')

Oh yeah.  Nappy Nude Beer everyone.

        - Greg