(idm) re: ms idm

From jamesx
Sent Mon, Jun 22nd 1998, 20:15

I am not remotely interested in responding to the deranged,lecherous
rantings of Mr R2D2, on the subject of 'ms idm', as I am in total agreement
with Irene's succint views on this one ... this is a musical forum, gender
has no relevance ... but what DOES interest me, on reading fellow IDMers
postings, besides their informative content, is trying to ascertain from
what vantage point in the world they are writing from, from what
geographical location and just how far and wide this mailing list reaches?
It is not always possible to establish a location from an email address.

I would be interested to know if there any idmers out there in Japan,
China, SEAsia, the Middle East, N.Africa, India, Russia,  ... as it would
be fascinating to hear about what is happening, of an innovative musical
nature, in these countries and many other parts of the world from which, so
far, we seem to have had no representatives.

Besides discussing the standard idm musical artists, it would be inspiring
to hear of fresh, original talents from around the globe, who are creating
sounds that we have not yet heard the likes of.

I wish there was a little automatic signifier, after everyone's signature,
on their postings, to give some clue as to where in the world they are
writing from ... would just help to paint more of a global picture and
perhaps to understand more fully, the influences upon their particular
