Re: (idm) fires of ork

From Aaron S Michelson
Sent Mon, Mar 29th 1999, 07:35

Excerpts from mail: 29-Mar-99 (idm) fires of ork by Brock 
> Namlook and Jansenn working together on this one, CD out on Fax. Any
> opinions? Of the FAX and Biosphere titles I have, I'm really into Ambiant
> Otaku, Organic Cloud, and Substrata. Is this one in a similar vein?

It's fairly beat-y and experimental..... not like Substrata at all, and
not nearly as lush as those two Tetsu Inoue CDs you've mentioned above.
A bit of Namlook noodling, but not too extensive. Basically sounds like
early bleepy Biosphere with Namlook noodling mixed in.......
