Re: waffles

From Sham Beam
Sent Tue, Oct 21st 2014, 23:28

Hasn't everyone had this conversation before? Everyone pirates music. 
That doesn't make it any less cool and disrespectful towards the artists 
we pirate. Perhaps the music industry will evolve to a point where this 
isn't such an issue in the future.

On 10/22/2014 10:18 AM, Juho Hietala wrote:
> yep, this was years ago before there was spotify or other viable means to listen to stuff. i’m not denying it. but did you also notice i’ve uploaded several of my own albums to these sites?
> when you’re done lolling you can still consider the point i made to you a few emails ago.
> On 22 Oct 2014, at 01:15, Jon Sands <> wrote:
>> LOLLLLL *breathes deeply* LOL
>> Remember how I was saying in my first post, the people yelling the loudest about how awful piracy is and how it should NEVER be done are usually the ones doing it to their own benefit? And how Juho called more than a few people "disgusting" for admitting to downloading a couple albums?
>> Well, here's a screenshot of some of the copyrighted albums Juho has torrented. I count around 115 total, and that's before he got banned. Nice job! -
>> So, Juho, anything else you'd like to be hilariously hypocritical about? Or is this one of those things that's only OK when you do it, but awful when we do?
>> On 10/21/2014 7:08 PM, Juho Hietala wrote:
>>> well, to be honest, i think the joke’s on you here..
>> --
>> Jon Sands

Sham Beam