(idm) hello, and RA broadcast tonight...

From syntext
Sent Fri, Feb 6th 1998, 02:18

Cripes!  last minute as always...  

just re-joined the list after a long absence... nice to be back... not as 
though I don't get enough mail already though... c'est la =/

anyways, a small bit of bsp bandwidth wasting to start with (I'll be good 
in the future, promise!)...

myself and a couple of friends are broadcasting a live Real Audio stream 
of Vancouvers (BC, Canada) Perfume Tree (ambient-dub-shoegazer kinda 
stuff), and myself djing...

available from 9pm-2am pacific time
from:  http://www.hqcommunications.com

more later

Upcoming Gigs:
February 5th, w/Perfume Tree at the Starfish Room
ambience at the Whip Gallery & Cafe, 
Sundays from 7pm-12am with Team Lounge and Guests...