Re: (idm) software wanted

From Oblique Hostility
Sent Sun, Oct 26th 1997, 15:51

On Sun, 26 Oct 1997, GamePrg. wrote:
> yeah, I was quite surprised when I got in the studio how tedious the program
> was, because even in a tracker, it's very hard to get smooth snarerushes, or
> things like the bouncing ball in bucephalus.. 
The bouncing ball is a delay effect, and as someone noted, something that
is available on certain effects processor.  A similar effect can be
had easily enough, if you play in 1/2 measure, copy it and past it,
scale time by %50, copy THAT and paste it, etc.  Which is like folding
up time fractally.

A simliar thing that is a fun exercise is to record say, 8 bars of a bassline,
copy it, scale time to 50%, raise pitch an octave, and paste it in twice 
on top of the original.  The results are quite literally fractal, and depending
upon what you start from, they can be pretty compelling.