(idm) Download / Ae

From Paddy Grove
Sent Fri, Sep 11th 1998, 09:57

With all this talk recently of Download, I can ask a strange question:

I use a CDDB CD player on my PC, i.e. one that downloads CD titles / track 
listings from a CDDB database on the net. As far as I understand, it identifies 
CDs by some combination of number of tracks and track lengths etc.

The only time I've ever seen CDDB get something worng was with Autechre's 
_Chiastic Slide_, which CDDB told me was Download's _Charlie's Family_. I'd be 
interested to know where this confusion came from:

        1. Did someone submit the wrong data for Chiastic Slide?

        2. Does the download disc have the same track details as the Ae, so CDDB can't 
tell them apart This seems pretty unlikely! The CDDB search engine confirms 
that they both have 9 tracks, though...

        3. Or is my understanding of how CDDB works wrong, and it's not as unlikely as 
I thought for two discs to look the same to CDDB

Can anyone shed some light on this? I suspect the answer is (1) or (3) , but it 
would be pretty weird if it was (2). If anyone has both discs, perhaps you 
could look to see if the track lengths are spookily similar...
