Re: (idm) Bola: "Soup"

From Nuutti-Iivari Merilainen
Sent Fri, Jan 29th 1999, 14:53

Nuutti-Iivari Merilainen wrote:
>   Actually, I do _not_ get it. I have always though of bola being a
> projectile weapon not having anything to do with food (other than it
> can probably used to catch some). What am I missing here?

[After quite many replies about pronounciation]

  Fine, fine. I get it. Does not tickle my funnybone, but a nice
language trick anyway. No wonder I did not get it, since I tend to
pronounce english very carefully and with a british accent. But does
anyone know if the pun is intentional?

     diversion : nuutti-iivari meriläinen : gordon at diversion dot org
communications : http colon slash slash www dot diversion dot org slash