(idm) HALO - "Auratone" - Miambient Vol. 1

From Pietro
Sent Tue, Jan 12th 1999, 04:54

Off topic (again...),

Has anyone heard of Halo? Their sounds are
completely IDM (IMHO). A cross between Plaid,
BoC, Autechre and Phoenecia (Phoenecia are from 
Florida right?). At any rate, Halo's track:
"Auratone" is one of the best IDM tracks i've
heard this year... well, in the past 11 days at

Just thought they'd be worth a shout. Perhaps
someone else has picked up on them? If your out
there, PLEASE get back to me, i'd definitely like
to find more of their stuff...

Pietro Da Sacco, xxx@xxxxxxx.xx
       The Circular Cosmic Spot