Re: (idm) Holding up

From Michael Upton
Sent Fri, May 14th 1999, 13:33

On Fri, 14 May 1999 08:35:42   Peter Becker wrote:

>np: Harmonia- Harmonia ( which holds up *high* after *25* years!)
>DAMN! Track 2 could easily be a Gas track.

Just talking with a new found friend last night about the two Harmonia albums, and he was saying he'd rate them as two of the best albums evvvvvvvvver. He was very emphatic about how timeless they were, and how it was such a bummer that everyone went "Kraut-rock supergroup? Whatever..." because it combined everything cool about Cluster and Neu!.. I'm intrigued, to say the least.

Can anyone give any more info? CD re-releases? Readily available? All the usual crap. :-)


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