Re: (idm) Indian singers mixed in

From Greg Clow
Sent Tue, May 12th 1998, 14:48

On Tue, 12 May 1998, Irene McC wrote:

> > Can anybody suggest some material to pick up that has Indian
> > singing 
> EASTERN UPRISING : Dance Music from the Eastern Underground
> and although this is a '97 release, which might well have been 
> reviewed at the time (although I can't remember) here's the 
> tracklisting and it's a VERY fine, energetic mix of D&B influences 
> with sitars, tablas, fem vox _a la_ Natasha Atlas, even some rapping. 

Seconded. This is a great collection, even despite the fact that it's on a
major label (Sony/Columbia). :) It's a UK only release as far as I know,
so it may be a bit difficult for North Americans to track down. But it's
worth hunting for.

Other comps on the same tip somewhat include:

ANHOKA: Sounds Of The Asian Underground (compiled by Talvin Singh, so you
might find it filed under his name - it's on Quango in the US,
Mango/Island in the UK)

collections on Law & Auder Records - not all Indian influenced, it also
has a lot of middle Eastern flava, but still great)
