Re: (idm) muslimgauze.

From Danny Freer
Sent Tue, Feb 10th 1998, 20:35

At 02:07 PM 2/10/98 -0500, Greg Clow wrote:
>Simply, then, Jones is not anti-Semitic, and he is not anti-Jew. He's
>pro-Palestine and anti-Israel. 

Good for him.

>Of course, I'm not suggesting that it's OK for him to wish for the
>destruction of the Israeli state and the people who call it home, but I
>just thought it should be clarified.

Why not?  Israel (heavily assisted by the Western world, of course)
destroyed a perfectly good Arab state.  If some foreign country kicked me
out of my home (and homeland) and gave it to someone else, I'd be pretty
pissed too.  You can only push people so far before they fight back.