Re: (idm) Art of Noise

From Moonlight
Sent Fri, May 7th 1999, 18:34

That sounds just great.  Someone please post more info on this as it comes
available.  I'm kindof bummed though that i won't be able to be the first
person to remix the Good the Bad and the Ugly.

>Whatever. I'm too busy grooving on this Electro-Lounge compilation that I
>got yesterday as well to worry about much else. Yma Sumac mixed by
>Q-Burns! Louis Prima mixed by Tranquility Bass! Dean Martin & Julie London 
>mixed by The Rip-Off Artist (uh, who he be?)! "The Good, The Bad & The
>Ugly" mixed by Gus Gus! Plus Wagon Christ, mu-Ziq, MBM... oooooh baby.

Adam Roesch /
Augsburg College / Minneapolis / MN / USA

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