Re: (idm) why mask should be bootlegged

From Simon Walley
Sent Wed, Jan 6th 1999, 09:52

>> >& I don't think MASK is running a  label well.  
>> So? Its not for you to say. They can run their label any damn way 
>> want. Don't like it? Start up your own
>Naaah,  I can't go with that argument.  This list is a forum for 
>comments just like that : it's a place for people to express their 

Yes, true. My (badly expressed) point was that, in itself, thats not a 
good reason for bootlegging something. And that one occasional reason 
why people start their own label is a disatisfaction with others. 

My point about starting a label is that bootlegging releases gives 
little back to the IDM scene - it doesn't support the artist or the 
label you're bootlegging and it won't encourage new listeners (because 
the boots will still be limited runs and hard to get hold of, outisde 
the internet). Starting a label however and seeing it through gives 
support to new artists and gives the fan another name to check out, one 
they might get into and be keen to support.

>Even *if* you start your own label, it still doesn't help you get hold 
>obscure stuff off some 'badly' run label, does it?  

Potentially, it might do. I'm sure Mask would be more open to a label 
coming up to them and striking a deal for a license/re-press rather than 
someone bootlegging them.

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