(idm) in praise of d.i.y.

From Greg Clow
Sent Tue, Nov 10th 1998, 20:30

Just wanted to make a quick post commenting on the recent flood of really
fucking good sounds coming from the micro-indies and D.I.Y. folks. Looking
at the music that I've bought and recieved over the last several months,
the best of the bunch is the stuff from the little guys. 

So I wanna give a shout-out to Lucky Kitchen, Emanate, sfwd, Phthlao, 
Hydrant, V/Vm, Diskono, Obliq, Suction, and oh so many more that I'm 
probably forgetting.

Getting some serious repeated spins at the moment is the "Emanated" comp
on Emanate - every track is a winner. Hit them at www.syncopated.net

And headed for repeated spins is the CD-R promo I just got of
"pre-millennium soundscapes", a six track collection of experimental
electronics that'll be out soon as a 12" on sfwd. Amazing stuff!

Support these people, folks. They ARE the future of this music, no doubt
about it.
