Re: (idm) old nintendo music: electronic pioneers?

From Christian Stigen Larsen
Sent Mon, Apr 20th 1998, 05:32

Quoting GamePrg. (
| On Sunday, 22-Mar-98, lwtcdi wrote [about Re: (idm) old nintendo music:
| electronic pioneers?]:
| >BTW, I think you can get a CD of Rob Hubbard stuff done on....Real
| >Synths....right now from somewhere or other. Done know quite what the
| hm.. dunno about that.. maybe trsi records? they do some things like that..

No not from TRSI recs, I just ordered the CD with new tracks by Rob
Hubbard on

Note that most of the tracks are merely re-makes by the one distributing
the CD, but a major part of the tracks are actually remade by the original
composers. Great stuff.

Christian Stigen Larsen --
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