(idm) Re: bleep bloop

From terraHertz
Sent Thu, Dec 10th 1998, 02:08

i deleted my digests with the new bleep bloop address like a
dumbass....somebody have some mercy on my wretched soul <falls down,
choking>...and mail it to me...i've got some rare/deleted aphex, autechre,
cylob and so forth to up to the site, so it's not like i'm just another
leech, alright bruvvaz? 


p.s. i searched high and low with various engines (big up to
metacrawler.com) and i could only find the older, inoperable site.

the future: www.noisemusic.org/it -- sounds like: www.gl.umbc.edu/~nworth1
Wh4tTh3h3||4R3W3D01Ng2TH4FUTuR3M4NG!: www.levity.com/eschaton/novelty.html