Re: (idm) Re: Autechre / Copyright infringement (fwd)

From James
Sent Wed, May 20th 1998, 07:45

>So that's eight easy to find tracks and eight harder to find tracks that 
>he mentioned on the list. My math skills might be shaky but it looks to me 
>more like a 50-50 than a 15-85% ratio. (In other words, "half the tracks," 
>like I said to begin with.) 
Actually, there were a lot of much more rare stuff on kiya/Bil's page at one 
                         stereolab - Plastic Pulse (ae rmx)  
                                   V - VLIEZWEI  
                             vliegenbos morning reproduced by autechre  
                               autechre - MILK DX  
                     edge of motion - EARTH BALL (ae rmx)  
                                autechre - DRAIN  
                           schaft - SKF10047 (ae rmx)  
                            silvania - 1BELM [ae mix 1]  
                            silvania - 1BELM [ae mix 2]  
                               autechre - MEDREY  
                            autechre - P.I.O.B. [mix 2]  
                               autechre - INHAKE 2  
Like, whoa baby. 
James Jung-Hoon Seo // Oracle Tools Fundamental Technologies Group 
    (650) 506-3829 // 
Endless cuts / Paid in nuts