Fwd: Re: (idm) Orbital

From Webmaster United Callers
Sent Sat, Oct 18th 1997, 09:32


tatstes may differ. But in the whole I think Orbital is an OK-band. They
have a majority of really good kicking tracks, and live they always know
how to put up a show.
"The siant" was - according to me - their worst track ever, but it probably
 made a lot of people dive into the other Orbital stuff.
their "Satan" triple CD-singles were great.

And hey if even they aren't allowed to make a more or less "poppy"
commercial track, what with the likes of Prodigy and Chemical Bros. then.
Both of them started of well but have now fallen into commercial-heaven
where they seem to like it, but their tunes have become utter shite.

Orbital OK, the others: well....rather not.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
With kind regards,

Bart De Maertelaere
Webmaster United Callers