(idm) Disinformation & Farmers Manual - reviews

From Erkki Rautio
Sent Tue, May 12th 1998, 17:36

Disinformation: R&D2
Spring 1998 
Ash International [R.I.P] 
# Ash 9.2

Farmers Manual: Explorers_We 
Spring 1998 
# Squish 4 

As the pop music culture turns more homogenizing and repressive, it's
refreshing to hear every once in a while some sounds that do
not worry about radioplay friendliness, heavy MTV rotation, "catchy"
pop hooks, melodies, hummability nor how many units it should
sell it in the international music market. This approach is totally
experimental, totally freaky. That's why we love it and that's why we
call it ANTIMUSIK. 

First we have the latest album, R&D2 by Disinformation. The first
impression is that this one goes so far in its pure expermentation
and sheer fiddling around with sounds and noises that some minimalist
stalwarts like Pan(a)sonic and Mika Vainio are pure pop
music in comparison. The liner notes and other information attached
provide more background data on how this
music/frequencies/noise came into being, most of it indecipherable to
a technologically blind layman but fascinating nevertheless.
"Geomagnetic, space physics and atmospheric-electrical recordings,
featuring the sounds of phenomena produced by electrical
and magnetic storms, solar coronal mass ejection, tropical and local
lightning." Scary and impressive. So these are the pure sounds
of space, and no one can say any more that in space no one can hear
you scream. The album starts with a violent, insistent industrial
eruption, "Live at the Museum of Installation", lasting for 13
minutes. You swear you start a hear a rhythm, even melodies after awhile
amidst the repetitive minimalist patterns. Like a more intense
version of Hertsi's "Kohina" on Sähkö and strangely catchy. The CD
continues pretty much as an electrical storm of static noise,
reminiscing at times some electronic farting or cracking sounds of logs
in camp fire and frying sausages in a pan. You can't really decide
what to make out of it but after a while the listening experience
becomes strangely hypnotic and you can't belive you are actually
concentrating on the sounds of static and electric disturbance. 

Next is Farmers Manual with their Explorers_We CD, and oh boy,
country music this ain't. First of all there is 60 (read: sixty) tracks
on CD that lasts sixty minutes. It says in the press notes: "One
constantly changing track with 60 PQ starting points, making full use of
your dusty SHUFFLE button...", which is very nice except my ancient
CD player doesn't have the function in question, so a more
linear listening experience it will be. Which is good in a way since
the album starts deceptively with sounds that are barely audible
before gradually turning to a monster of sheer audio frequency
madness. (Furthermore, it says in the notes that: "Ost, one of the
farmers, called it 'a sinewave massacre'.) At times it sounds like
deranged screams of machine elves or a LSD trip of Duracell
bunny. Snap, crackle and pop produced in totally electronic means.
Electronic waltzes for dysfunctioning androids in the middle of
indescribable sexual acts. "Does humour belong in music?", Frank
Zappa once asked and this album gives it a Zen-like koan
answer of frantic one-hand clapping. Pinball machine sounds and
intense hoovering. Musique concrète? More like your skull hitting
concrete in 200 MPH. An album like this is a somewhat fragmented
experience, splicing up the conventional ways of listening and
receiving music and the musical compositions itself. Some minute-long
snippets even have bits and pieces of rhythm, like some
gone-beyond-recognition industrial mutant funk, but how can you dance
to it? One thing can be taken for granted: you will reap some
most unsual crop following the advices from this Farmers Manual. 

(c) Erkki Rautio 1998


  erkki rautio, also known as pHinn
* the webmaster of pHinnWeb - the old skool, the nu skool *
* and the pHuture skool of Finnish electronic music       *
* xxxxxx@xxx.xx | http://www.sci.fi/~phinnweb             *