(idm) Another excellent new release...

From Lance C McGannon
Sent Fri, Jun 11th 1999, 05:55

Forgot to mention this on in my last
post. Another excellent new release is
the new album:

. SND: Makes Cassette cd (Mille Plateaux)
I've had an advance of this one for awhile
and have been playing the two previous
SND eps non-stop this year, but the finished
copies have finally hit the shops. Time for
everyone else to get into this sound. In case
you missed my previous post about SND,
their sound is a beautiful mix of experimental
soundscapes/textures and intricately complex
percussions. Imagine Oval, Microstoria, Cathars,
Tom Steinle, Novisad, or OST mixed with Maus
& Stolle, Substance, Various Artists, and maybe
Arovane. Will be one of my top albums of the
year! Get now.

p.o. box 450715
westlake, ohio 44145
united states