(idm) sample transfer question

From Eric Frans
Sent Wed, Apr 8th 1998, 20:09

Sorry to bother the list with this, but I'm not on any gear lists and I figured 
some of you gear heads might know the answer to this.  A friend of mine has the 
following question:

i'm hoping you might know something about a program witch can transfer samples
easily between the Mac (AIFF files) and an E-mu ESI-4000 Sampler...
Passport Alchemy has been suggested but the sticker price is way too high... 

Please send comments to me and not the list.  Thanks in advance!

E r i c  F r a n s
[cellular] http://www.internetconnect.net/~kdkates/epf
[so-cal idm event page] http://www.internetconnect.net/~kdkates/epf/scidm.html