(idm) looking for track from Hawtin video...

From bsalter
Sent Mon, Jul 12th 1999, 16:54

I'm looking for a track by Richie Hawtin that I saw in a 
video presented at ResFest in San Francisco a year or two
ago... the video consisted of a shifting geometric grid
of different pictures of a city skyline, and the music
was extrememly minimal, deep percussive clicks and muted
pulsing basslines.  The combined effect was very mesmerizing.
I recently picked up "Consumed", which I like a lot, but
it doesn't quite sound like what I remember from the video,
which was less tonal and had a rougher edge.  anyone have
any info on what that track was?  (unfortunately I can't
remember the name of the video or the video artist...)


 Brian Salter              