Re: (idm) want politicks? try Consolidated!

From Marc 3 Poirier
Sent Tue, May 11th 1999, 22:26

> Consolidated made a distinct effort to produce intensely
> groove-oriented music in the early nineties.
> Basically, their political slant can be described as far-left
> anti-patriarchal and pro-feminist (if you'll permit the hyphens).

        That statement, the part about "radical-vegan," is something I've never
understood too well, the idea that veganism is radical.  Yet it's phrased
that way so often.  "I'm NOT going to pay for & eat corpses, supporting an
industry that confines, tortures, manipulates, drugs, deforms, &
canabilizes billions of feeling creatures every year, as well as severely
speeding up the environmental destruction of the earth, primarily
contributing to almost all health-related illnesses in affluent countries
(about three-quarters of all deaths in the U.S.), & increasing the amount
of malnutrition & starvation in poorer, undeveloped countries.  No, I won't
do that even though meat & dairy tastes good."  THAT'S radical?  It really
baffles me.  It's just peaceful, kind, & simple.
        I'm not trying to be personally disparaging towards Fred Church & what he
wrote above, I've heard comments like that from a lot of people, but it's
still pretty inexplicable to me.

Marc Poirier