(idm) re:ostANDthemimicandthemodel

From Andrew Duke Cognition
Sent Fri, Jan 22nd 1999, 15:08

ost and rook vallard are one and the same.
the mimic and the model is a label run by
kit clayton designed to be records accompanied
by art inserts; he's done the first release,
but not sure if the rest are going to be just
him or a number of people. Andrew

Bob Bannister wrote:

> Pietro asks:
> <If anyone
> could help me locate further albums/singles/ep's from the
> artists below, i'd LOVE to hear from you. Please reply off-list, thanks!>
> For the benefit of anyone on the list as well - the Qlipothic OST 12"
> (which I've heard mentioned around here as being rather difficult to find)
> is available from www.thebarrio.com and well worth getting.
> I believe Rook Vallard is the same person and the "Systematic
> Desensitization" LP on Phthalo looks to be still available (from the same
> site in fact).
> So is "The Mimic and the Model" Kit Clayton?