Re: (idm) drum roll, please...

From Danny Wyatt
Sent Wed, Feb 10th 1999, 22:53

From: Alex Reynolds <>
>bola's secret identity is....
> vangelis

No offense, but I think Hrvatski already made that joke.  And what about the
last track on LP5?

>would any friendly finns on the list care to translate the track titles to
>"kulma", "metri", and "vakio" for an illiterate but appreciative listener?

The following was posted back in August:

} From: Danny Thierens
} Sent: Sunday, August 30, 1998 11:49 PM
} i am intrigued ...
} >Kulma Promo/Advance cd
} >promo only features:
} >white card sleeve with Finnish titles/ English translations
} could you please list the english translations of the track
} titles ? i have
} the official release of _kulma_, which i enjoy very much, but my
} finnish is
} quite poor these days ...

Here you go (from the promo CD):

Finnish English
------- -------
teurastamo slaughterhouse
loutain sounder
vapina tremble
puhdistas cleansing
jakso period
murtoneste break liquid
kylmamassa cold bulk
hahmo guise
aines matter
-25 -25
saato adjustment
kurnutus croaking
rutina crackle
moottori motor

E r i c  F r a n s ::
[so-cal idm]