Re: (idm) Reviews /// VVM machines

From Lance C McGannon
Sent Tue, Feb 2nd 1999, 02:44

At 06:32 PM 2/1/99 -0800, you wrote:
>sitting here thinking about how much i miss lance's once
>regularly posted reviews (don't really care what excuse you have
>lance, i miss them just the same!), writing up a slew of my own to post
>and was hoping that someone might be so kind as to post a review of
>the v/vm machine 7"s... not about how much they cost, how many nickles
>and dimes that they probably didn't get out of it, but what the damn things
>actually sound like and what people's impressions might be. still waiting
>on copies but i'm dying to here them. would really appreciate it

just got them today. i'll try to write a review of them
in a few hours. first impression is great tapestries
of loud noisey distortion mixed with mechanical 
rhythms and noises. very cool stuff. more in a little

and i hope to start posting regular recoreview posts 
again in a few weeks. heaven knows i have tons of 
releases that still need reviewing.  : )

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westlake, ohio 44145
united states