Re: (idm) Squarepusher live review AN ANGRY FLAME

From Michael Upton
Sent Tue, May 11th 1999, 17:32

>IDIOT you are SO unaware of good art,.. you are like 99.8% of the rest of the 

No, you are!!... You've got it SO badly wrong. I can't believe how FUCKING STUPID you are. I can't even begin to explain to you where you've gone wrong, because I have EVOLVED TO ANOTHER LEVEL WHERE YOUR PUNY MIND CANNOT REACH!!! It makes me so pissed, I have to post about it in a forum where 99.8% of the people reading it won't even understand me. Fools like you may even mistake what I'm saying for the height of self-aggrandising BOLLOCKS!!!! $%$%^!!



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