(idm) Re: New Carl Craig EP

From Andrew Duke Cognition
Sent Thu, Dec 3rd 1998, 13:53

Hi, Jason.  I got a promo copy, but I just got a new release email from Bent
Crayon (cleveland based rec store that sends out emails of their new releases so
you can mail order them) and it was listed in there as an upcoming release, so
you should definitely be able to get it.  It's on Carl Craig's Planet E label;
cat # is ple65240, distributed by caroline in Canada and the US so it should be
relatively easy to mail order it from the UK.  Try http://www.bentcrayon.com
Hope this helps. Andrew

Jason wrote:

> Is this available to buy (4 my peeps), or did you get it esp. for your show?
> If it is available to the buying public could you please send me all the
> details please, ie cat. number, label etc....
> Cheers Andrew
> jason

Andrew Duke Cognition Audioworks
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9
TEL 902-422-7132 FAX 902-422-1262
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